產品說明GPS行動衛星車隊平台整合QNAP NAS:只要購買CT-02車機或CT-03定位器與NAS設備即可擁管理平台,我們可以協助企業快速建置布署衛星車隊服務。
1.QNAP私有雲+即時推播服務平台+ 行動APP+車機硬體設備
Download GPS NAS System Information For English GPS NAS VIDEO SHOWFEATURES AND SPECIFICATIONSFull function Fleet Management Platform
Real-time location updated automatically
Free to use, no monthly fee
Private Cloud to secure the privacy
Access by Computers, Tablet PC or Smart phone with any OS (Window, iOS, Linux, Android)
No usage limitation, manage and view all vehicles in one platform
Integrate with Google Street View
Keep the route records permanently
Develop your own plugins with API
In-house Fleet Management system
Cloud Fleet is an innovative fleet management platform running in a NAS (network attached storage). The company can have their own fleet
management system installed in house. It secures the system ownership and reduces the risk to expose company fleet data to hackers like
other system running is a public data center.
Intuitional platform to manage all vehicles
The intuitional interface lets the administrator manage and view all vehicles easily. All vehicles location is displayed on the screen.
Each vehicle status (moving, over speed,dle, offline, towing and engine stop) is presented by colored icon.
Route with waypoints updated every 6 seconds
All vehicles location is updated automatically as fast as every 6 seconds. The location information includes GPS coordinates, speed, mileage,
staying time and address. The red waypoint indicates over speed.
Access by any device
Unlike other Fleet Management Platform is accessible by Window computer only. Cloud Fleet is designed by HTML5 which allows all devices (computer, tablet PC, smart phone) with different OS (Window, iOS, Linux or Android) access without installing software or plugins.
Keep route records permanently
All routes are saved automatically to NAS hard drive. You can search the record by date and time to display the route with waypoints including location information. The records are kept permanently. You can also enable NAS redundant and backup features to secure all data safely kept.
QNAP NAS is now ready to support CT-02 and CT-03 GPS Tracker